Welcome To My Shop!

This curated selection includes my favorite items of the season and many things I plan to gift myself.

(So please don’t look too hard if you might be getting a present from me – that means you, Mom!!)

long wave 8
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71b15ieLVyL. AC SL1500
61sWB1XfrXL. SL1500
71fnIod1SqL. AC SY695
color wheel
81dOkveXDKL. AC SL1500
backdrop wet paint shirt
product bloom accessory deepblue
The Everything Chocolate Bar Compartes Los
pat kim clock
dusen dusen grinders
cloud tray
liberty london backgammon
the year of knots
517Scm3sGL. AC SL1500
tupelo swing
serving friends
51gI4NXNG5L. AC SX679
0400018023510 COBALTBLUE
51RKtqcH4S. AC SY879
john derian wrapping paper
bg 4497308 100189 m
81UBtHO02UL. AC SL1500